
A House Divided

Fatah and Hamas have been fighting each other as Fatah has been critical of Hamas' political rule.

Fatah militants have been attacking Hamas local offices in response to the the government control of Hamas interests in many parts of Paletstine. The picture featured (above) shows an armed member of Fatah shooting at a local Hamas office.

8 people are confirmed dead.

From all accounts, this is a civil war. Islamic leaders pressed for the fighting to end, and suggested that each party continue their efforts to protect the Gaza Strip from Israel; however, the interviewing within Islamic sects promises to weaken the team as a whole.

Fatah, the predominate political party until Hamas took control in the past months, has been active in attacking their opposition, and, hoped to reduce Hamas to impotent.

So, the Gaza Strip erupts in a civil war, while Israel watches.

It seems that there is much animosity between some Islamic radical groups.


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